Training Classes

Why attend dog training classes?

Training courses offer great practical advice and will really help you to …

  • Understand your dog more easily
  • Build your confidence
  • Get your dog to listen to you more attentively
  • Develop a set of commands you can use daily
  • Socialise your dog with people and other dogs
  • Enjoy your dog

Dog Training Levels


A 5-week course that focuses on building a positive foundation for you and your puppy or young dog. Approximately 12 commands are covered during this course, focusing on training and practising a few new commands each week. Gentle and structured socialisation takes place. Classes are very supportive and we offer very friendly training environment.


A 5-week course where increased levels of control are taught to each handler and canine trainee practice sequences of commands like ‘Wait/Sit/Stay/Come’. Each handler and their dog engages in more distance work and these classes also introduce your dog to some basic off-lead work. We offer a very positive and fun training environment.


Some off-lead work and more complex training routines are practiced weekly. Behaviours like the ‘Stay,’ ‘Come’ and ‘Leave’ are completed while other dogs are moving around alongside, for example. Owners are encouraged to take part in new ‘training routines’ and a deeper understanding of your dog’s behaviour is fostered in this very supportive environment.

A 5-week training course runs for one hour per week and costs £80

Get started on a very rewarding journey with your dog.